Welcome to the second Spring/Summer issue of Autumn Moon Haiku Journal. For many of you, a long winter that produced the incredible experience of yellow forsythia and daffodils, and other flowers and their colors, including cherry blossoms. One can see why kigo (season words) are dominated by flowers in the appropriate seasons. In early February 2019 my video talk “Uto-Aztec Flower World, Japanese Kigo, and Worldwide Key Words” was presented at the World Haiku Conference in Pune, India. I noted that in Japan such worldwide spiritual states derived from nature may be linked to the nature religion Shinto and its elevated phenomenological reception of the natural world which in turn may be linked to the poetics of haiku and kigo, a suggestive season word, particularly a heightened and synesthetic evoking of perceptual experience. In Japan, the flora and fauna were organized in saijiki ("year time chronicle", a list of kigo used in haiku and related forms). Despite the curious changes taking place in the natural world due to global warming or other not well recognized natural changes, the “Flower World” still exists as do the heightened kigo and key word moments of haiku experience in that world. Many of the haiku you will find in this issue are expressed in this spirit. Bruce Ross, June 2019 a butterfly - on the flower trail traces the path una farfalla - sul sentiero dei fiori traccia il percorso Vincenzo Adamo, Italy day moon my restless night follows me Joanna Ashwell, UK creek sound - in the wicker basket mushrooms rumore del torrente dentro il cesto di vimini funghi porcini Pasquale Asprea, Italy at midnight I almost hear them frogs singing Dyana Basist, USA a door slams in the empty dollhouse . . . summer rain Mark E. Brager, USA bee rolls in pollen of a prickly pear blossom morning heat Alanna C. Burke, USA seeing where the argument is headed cloud of juniper pollen Sondra Byrnes, USA blueberries tinge the edge of my bucket - late summer sky Theresa Cancro, USA retirement home - no visitors today only the spring breeze căminul de bătrâni – niciun vizitator astăzi doar adierea de primăvară Daniela Lăcrămioara Capotă, Romania in the alleys orange blossom scent . . . the rest escapes me nei vicoli profumo di zagare . . . il resto mi sfugge Luci Cardillo, Italy diving deep a cormorant leads into spring Matthew Caretti, USA rain puddles - stepping around pieces of fallen sky Vernon Chain, USA white lilac throwing in the bin all my scribbles liliacul alb arunc la gunoi toate mâzgălelile Cezar Ciobîcă, Romania returning geese my heart is full of home how moss holds footprints as we pass forest path Sue Colpitts, Canada pond strider the silence of Cassiopeia Martin Cohen, USA april sky on a tombstone the name of a flower cielo d’aprile sulla lapide il nome di un fiore spring evening a little boy plays with loneliness sera di primavera un bimbo gioca con la solitudine Maria Concetta Conti, Italy insomnia the forester counts fireflies безсъния горският брои светулки Radostina Dragostinova, Bulgaria summer solstice twilight falls on the empty seat Roger Dutcher, USA The flowers come back: In the donkey’s hoof print the lark drinks. Vuelven las flores: En la huella del asno la alondra bebe. Elìas Dàvila Silva, Mexico ritual at dawn - listening to the universe in a cup of tea ritual în zori - ascultând universul în ceaşca de ceai Carmen Duvalma, Romania Pure love - just like the sky in springtime Dragoste pură întocmai cum e cerul în primăvară Adina Enăchescu, Romania an egg warm in her hand - spring moon growing older grass growing under my feet David Käwika Eyre, USA warbler proffering swatches of buttercup to a waking forest Art Fredeen, Canada April, more poems about cherry blossoms than cherry blossoms William Scott Galasso, USA ah to be alive when the nightingale sings sings ah estar vivo cuando canta canta el ruiseñor to be a horse on the plain with flowers April breeze ser un caballo en el llano con flores brisa de abril Rafael Garcia Bidó, Dominican Republic first dew - glittering butterfly on mother’s palm prva rosa - svjetlucavi leptir na majčinom dlanu Goran Gatalica, Croatia last year’s nest in the tree so far only the sound of rain LeRoy Gorman, Canada a day in the life of a Mayfly Charles Harmon, USA thick fog countless syllables of a cuckoo’s call 浓雾中 布谷一声叫 音节数不清 whispering reeds an empty boat fills with moonlight 沙沙芦苇 月光 满空舟 David He, People’s Republic of China paddling into the night sky my canoe soars Marilyn Henighan, Canada Brant Goose when will you go back north? East River Buranto Gachō itsu kita ni agaru no isuto riba ブランド がちょ いつ北に上がるの イスト リーバ spring willow branches floating in the breeze rippled water shunryū no eda kaze ni ukabu sazanami no mizu 春柳の枝 風に浮かぶ さざ波の水 Judith Hishikawa, USA Su Wai Hlaing, Myanmar
daffodils bending under the weight of spring frost northward equinox Louisa Howerow, Canada afternoon ginko summer shadows dapple the path Marilyn Humbert, Australia Blooming peonies through the garden’s fence - no one passing by Bujori înfloriţi printre gardul grădinii - niciun trecător The old man leaves - withered peonies on the bench Bătrânul pleacă - bujorii ofiliţi rămân pe bancă Letiţia Lucia Iubu, Romania filling an empty birdbath moonlight Rick Jackofsky, USA May clean-up potted roses unfurl beside mom’s grave Jeanne Jorgensen, Canada all I know for certain cicada shell Elmedin Kadric, Sweden Driving home a spring full moon right and left 車で家へ右へ左へ春の月 kuruma de ie e migi e hidari e haru no tsuki Satoru Kanematsu, Japan even softer through the dirty window - spring sunset Skylar Kay, Canada driving nobody’s point home starlight William Keckler, USA April snow the only daffodil on my lapel kjmunro, Canada California poppies our daughter’s first steps Deborah P Kolodji, USA at rest on my hammock a white butterfly Jill Lange, USA softening rain what’s left of family Jessica Malone Latham, USA strawberry moon white peonies bow beneath the rain Kristen Lindquist, USA bonding trip . . . we paddle through summer stars 鞏固友誼之旅 ... 我們的船槳划過了 夏天星星 moss-covered rock what I could have been otherwise 苔蘚覆蓋的岩石 要不然的話 我本來可以做的這些事 Chen-Ou Liu, Canada the sheep bound out of their pen - last day of school Cyndi Lloyd, USA kite in hand a boy watches the rain fall Gregory Longnecker, USA pale Spring sky its there-ness, this crow Marietta McGregor, Australia spring warmth the taste of strawberry wine on my wife’s lips John McManus, England, UK Under the rain, with boughs of wisteria Sixty years old Bajo la lluvia, con ramos de glicina Sesenta años Lía Miersch, Argentina big blue sky today’s to-do list is set aside Joanne Morcom, Canada floral tablecloth . . . her summer dress nightfall tovaglia a fiori . . . il suo vestito estivo cala la note Luciana Moretto, Italy olive oil thyme there under snow zeytinyağı kekik orada kar altında aceite de oliva el tomillo allí abajo la nieve Guliz Mutlu, Turkey queen anne’s lace floating in the field - summer largesse Suzanne Niedzielska, USA swallowtail the struggle to strengthen new wings Nola Obee, Canada putting down my reading glasses . . . petals in the wind odložim očala za branje... cvetni listki v vetru Polona Oblak, Slovenia the final song of chorus frogs first light Victor Ortiz, USA flatline - a dragonfly hovers above the surface Roland Packer, Canada spring breeze the mockingbird’s song gets carried away Sarah Paris, USA dusk rain your hair fragrance on the towel в сумерках дождь запах твоих волос на полотенце Philmore Place, Belarus the fox’s path through a hole in the hedge a meadow and its stars llwybr y llwynog drwy dwll yn y clawdd y waun a’i sêr Thomas Powell, Wales, UK for a moment I remember I belong wildflowers if I just packed my few things and walked . . . moonlit night Samantha Renda, South Africa mist in this spring morning waiting Edward J. Rielly, USA spring dawn the stillness of my quiet mind Bona M. Santos, USA we forget about the rain chiffchaff song nous oublions les gouttes de pluie chant du pouillot véloce this morning everybody looks young first day of summer ce matin tout le monde a l’air jeune premier jour d’été Olivier Schopfer, Switzerland first lilacs I was not always this age Ann K. Schwader, USA In hospital her trial walk with a stick cherry blossoms in chill 院内を杖つきて試歩花の冷え Innai wo tsue tsukite shiho hana no hie Kyoko Shimizu, Japan summer moon stopping to count seashells an old man Albert Shlaht, USA Summer afternoon, in the wave that breaks a rainbow… Tarde de verano, en la ola que rompe un arcoíris. Leticia Sicilia, Spain this spider web’s vanishing point: without intellect Guy Simser, Canada green buds on my walking stick spring’s first day d w skrivseth, USA moon bridge I row through a circle of light wild mushrooms the scent of earth roots me to home Debbie Strange, Canada Drops of dew - over the green grass my tears Boabe de rouă - lacrimile mele peste iarba crudă Constantin Stroe, Romania sunlit garden the old dog runs through his dreams Rachel Sutcliffe, England, UK butting heads seahorses gently weave through moonlight Barbara A. Taylor, Australia flower girls in their frilly dresses strawberry moon Angela Terry, USA dry earth - grandmother praying to start the rain pământul uscat - bunica rugându-se să-nceapă ploaia the girl learns a song about summer - soft rain fata învaţă un cântec despre vară - plouă domol Maria Tirenescu, Romania smile of a newborn the peony opening up a world 新生児のほほえみ芍薬の花開く shinseiji no hoho-emi shiyakuyaku no hana hiraku Norie Umeda, Japan willow on the shore - heavy with buds a branch sinks the moon salcia la mal - grea de muguri o creangă scufundă luna Ana Urma, Romania apple blossom on the plastic table cloth - the wind carries rain appelbloesem op het plastic tafelkleed - de wind brengt regen Joanne van Helvoort, Netherlands childern’s party - through snapdragon flowers chasing a dragon petrecere de copii - prin flori de gura-leului urmărind un dragon Steliana Cristina Voicu, Romania trying to conceive a plum blossom settles at my feet across the red haze of grass shoots the baby’s sigh Lucy Whitehead, UK summer field walk finding answers to which there are no questions pola latem znajduję odpowiedzi na które nie ma pytań Ernest Wit, Poland embrace of an old friend dandelions Valorie Woerdehoff, USA Comments are closed.
Editorial Staff:
Founder (emeritus): Bruce Ross Editors: Astrid Andreescu Kristen Lindquist Art: Murray D. Ross Archives
November 2024
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