Welcome to this Spring/Summer issue of Autumn Moon Haiku Journal. As I noted previously, climate change has caused natural disasters, food shortages, diminishing wild natural spaces, while 2020 also brought the COVID pandemic which has continued to affect our lives for the past year. There may be hope with the vaccinations and reopening of businesses worldwide, although we still see devastation in some areas especially in India. Haiku poets in this issue are both addressing the ongoing pandemic and human adaptation to the restrictions, but also a hopeful tone is emerging, perhaps with the advent of spring blossoms. Haiku remains most important in its connection to nature and the capture of a moment of insight. Hopefully more and more we will see joy replacing sorrow this year. Bruce Ross, June 2021 a child in the park the anxiety of the mother on the swing un bimbo al parco – l’ansia della madre sull’altalena spring sun migrants dry their clothes on the barbed wire sole primaverile – i migrant ascugano i vestiti sul filo spinato Vincenzo Adamo, Italy happy birthday on the plant he gave me a swallowtail Dennise Aiello, USA birches budding sneezing together the cat and I Meg Arnot, UK Milwaukee summer across the dry cement duck prints صيفُ ملواكي على الاسمنت الجاف أقدامُ البط الذي عبَر Inas Asfari, USA/Syria singing bowl a bluebird learns her grandma’s song hopscotch skipping home through a spring shower Marilyn Ashbaugh, USA summer stars folding a promise into the light Joanna Ashwell, UK august light in the field your pale hand showing me feverfew Michael Battisto, USA lone ridge a crow and i share a dawn hilltop road a view, far enough from demands Michael Baeyens, Belgium low tide a hatchling turtle stretches its neck Tom Bierovic, USA spoonbill in flight this longing to get away Meik Blöttenberger, USA wildflower garden one long shadow across the sundial curled ferns ready to open the hymnal Maxianne Berger, Canada a robin cocks his head to listen worm moon canna lily blossoms open to hummingbird beaks late summer Nancy Brady, USA icicles melting onto a tin roof a robin’s return John Budan, USA a crow lands in my perfect composition painting en plein air listening for what’s true bee chorus in the chocolate flowers Alanna C. Burke, USA bee on tulip in the rising sun . . . first love un’ ape sul tulipano al sorgere del sole . . . primo amore daffodils in bloom a girl in the sun reading his email giunchiglie in fiore una ragazza al sole legge la sua mail Mariangela Canzi, Italy leaving the road for a new path . . . wild irises lasciare la strada per un nuovo sentiero . . . iris selvatici Lucia Cardillo, Italy spring birdsong the shut-in finds a clip on her iPhone rivulet of blossoms the journey home Matthew Caretti, USA a robin hops I am three holding Mother’s hand slowing – toward that day the rose blooms Louise Carson, Canada backyard garden beyond the celery cats mating basmati rice soaking in an antique bowl . . . tranquility Anna Cates, USA warm spring day – watched clouds pass by instead of my life Vernon Chain, USA lilac blush under the window sill graduation day pemerah pipi bawah ambang tingkap pengijazahan 卒業日窓の外にはライラック Christina Chin, Malaysia bent daffodils an old man leans on his cane forgive my hurried steps lady slipper Sue Colpitts, Canada yard sale goods laid out to view a life lived on the patio coffee with birdsong and raccoon Vera Constantineau, Canada alone with gulls and the call of the wind summer drifter an eaglet on the edge first flight Susan Constable, Canada her death the contour lines of a calla lily la sua morte le linee di contorno di una calla letting go of everything spring wind lasciando andare ciò che vuole andare vento di primavera Maria Concetta Conti, Italy spring showers a Buddhist monk rescues worms springtime snow on daffodils Bryan Cook, Canada setting aside the rose-colored plates farm auction Bill Cooper, USA sailing through a field of stars fireflies in June Ronald K. Craig, USA new rattle the baby moves . . . his feet ah, those first times nouveau hochet le bébé bouge . . . les pieds ah, ces premières fois her soap bubbles travel up into the sky her coat soon too tight ses bulles de savon montent jusqu’au ciel son manteau bientôt trop étroit Marcellin Dallaire-Beaumont, Belgium sultry day . . . a catbird carries the conversation Risë E. Daniels, USA wind of May Day the lily of the valley does as it pleases premier mai dans le vent le muguet fait ce qu’il lui plait Marie Derley, Belgium summer harvest birds devour the figs without warning Carmela Dolce, USA on the armchair the shadows of clouds back and forth sulla poltrona le ombre delle nuvole vanno e vengano Anna Maria Domburg-Sancristoforo, The Netherlands/Italy another encore on the way to the cemetery plum petals rain още един бис по пътя за гробището дъжд от цветовете на сливата empty pipe in the old fisherman’s boat thunder moon празна лула в лодката на стария рибар пълнолуние Radostina Dragostinova, Bulgaria pink moon – my childhood drawing so accurate luna roz – desenul din copilărie chiar realist Ana Drobot, Romania Mizuki We eat the rice dumplings Waiting for night Miriam Dunn, Canada winding-down yard sale the Virgin and Buddha statues now a package deal John J. Dunphy, USA after rain – the last reverence of the irises după ploaie – ultima reverenţă a stânjeneilor summer night – in the lavender field cricket song noapte de vară – în câmpul de lavandă cântec de greier Carmen Duvalma, Romania moonlight will do… sunflower David Käwika Eyre, USA spring equinox finding the other half of the haiku Seren Fargo, USA Good Friday a cardinal calls from the bare sycamore Susan Farner, USA honeysuckle breeze . . . a barn swallow in mid air mountain ridge coywolf’s breath as it pauses Donna Fleischer, USA long lockdown . . . magpies in the schoolyard sing their song of joy lingering heat – a greengrocer cicada’s late serenade Lorin Ford, Australia a tiny feather at my feet i leave it for the wind Jenny Fraser, New Zealand in the puddle a tree resounds with light Alex Fyffe, USA oak woods a woodpecker arranges the night silence hrastova šuma... djetlić raspoređuje noćnu tišinu храстова шума... дјетлић распоређује ноћну тишину late spring . . . a spider weaves silence in the moonlight kasno proljeće... pauk pod mjesečinom plete tišinu касно прољеће... паук под мјесечином плете тишину Ivan Gaćina, Croatia another bourbon – awake with me, this moonlit slug Joshua Gage, USA early spring – mockingbird’s song in the cobwebs spring breeze – resonance of bees in the rosemary Jerome Gagnon, USA they make their nest deep inside the house – spring. Hacen su nido muy dentro de la casa. La primavera. quietly today that glow of flamboyants. Calladamente hoy ese resplandor de flamboyanes. Rafael Garcìa Bidò, Dominican Republic What a light In the blossom tree The moon Ava Gardiner, New Zealand falling in love . . . the way the peony takes a butterfly zaljubiti se... način na koji božur prima leptira Goran Gatalica, Croatia not a breeze an owl hoots at the full moon brise disparue – un hibou s’adresse à la pleine lune Line Gauthier, Canada Waiting room I name all the fishes In the aquarium Poczekalnia Nadaję imiona wszystkim rybkom W akwarium Lockdown Freely twinkling Of stars Lockdown Swobodne migotanie Gwiazd Anna Goluba, Poland nothing then a puffin to take the breath away evening blues blackbirds fall into line along the corncrib LeRoy Gorman, Canada new moon the boys count and recount lightning bugs sundown – this river flows slower than thirty years ago John S Green, USA red and white bobbins swinging from tree branches – the old fishing hole Steven H. Greene, USA for only seconds feeling eternity April sunrise midnight waves riding a pearl moon body surfer Charles Harmon, USA rising moon the lake ripples in and out David He, China first bouquet of sweet peas – her smile at the door top step on a shaky ladder – sun-warmed peaches Karin Hedetniemi, Canada early spring the drift of wood smoke guiding me home Good Friday sprouting in the basement spring bulbs spring break . . . a robin watches her young fall into flight Marilyn Henighan, Canada cherry petals float on the tide how far will they go? shio ni ukabu sakurabana ikada doko made desho 潮に浮かぶ 桜花筏 何処迄でしょー seagulls wander the mud flats low spring tide umi neko higata o urutsu higanshio 海猫 干潟を得るつ 彼岸潮 Judith Hishikawa, USA finding the right pitch pine wind Jeff Hoagland, USA spring equinox – tilting my head a little toward the light no one else here on this hilltop – geese flying north Ruth Holzer, USA dark faces of the sheep spring snow southbound along the train tracks butterflies Frank Hooven, USA mist rising from the river the call of a bull moose bergs clogging the shallows spring breakup homebound guided by rooftops nest after nest Louisa Howerow, Canada spring cleaning the echo of a church bell comes with the wind пролетно почистване ехо от църковна камбана донесено от вятъра pandemic year the higabana bloomed in spring пандемия хиганбаната цъфна през пролетта Vladislav Hristov, Bulgaria does love thy neighbor include the wolves, hummingbirds and eucalypti? Pat Hull, USA moon bridge – the pathway over rivers of stars moonlit night brumbies splashing through shallows Marilyn Humbert, Australia heavy with blossom the lilac branch closer to the ground bătută de flori creanga liliacului mai aproape de pământ Mona Iordan, Romania crescent moon dusk yet to sharpen the stars skimming the near-earth air three swallows beneath the tree a deepening of fallen petals Erica Ison, UK half-open eyed Buddha looks at me looking at him Lakshmi Iyer, India cricket frog – leaping from a lily pad . . . to the moon scattered clouds . . . a cormorant comes up for air flying fish in the company of clouds koinobori* *carp streamers Rick Jackofsky, USA A caterpillar in front of the mountain – So far to go Une chenille devant la montagne – Si loin pour s’y rendre Liette Janelle, Canada locust buds do not yet hide the sparrow Julie Allyn Johnson, USA The fountain turns quiet abruptly – a pigeon’s coo 噴水のはたと鎮まり鳩の声 Funsui no hatato shizumari hato no koe Repeatedly the fountain touches daytime moon 噴水のときおり触るる昼の月 Funsui no tokiori fururu hiru no tsuki Satoru Kanematsu, Japan haiku in chalk – the typos too will wash away Skylar Kay, Canada with mask the journey of a toad to water Mit Maske Die Reise einer Kröte zum Wasser Deborah Karl-Brandt, Germany a blustery day swaying back and forth the lark’s song David J Kelly, Ireland a pocket full of small change . . . spring rain Bill Kenney, USA April snow tiny daffodils turn from the window kjmunro, Canada acorn footpath woodpeckers tapping in the oak forest Deborah P Kolodji, USA sprouted wheatgrass white heron leaves the ground against the wind izniklo žito diže se bijela čaplja nasuprot vjetru Nina Kovačić, Croatia cathedral bell the pigeons return after services Jeff Kressmann, USA shop window today’s special offer a rainbow sčiščena okna med ponudbo v izložbi drobci mavrice Samo Kreutz, Slovenia sharing morning rain with robins twilight by the marsh spring peepers Jill Lange, USA In the forest a Huia* dreams of the moon *A Huia is an extinct NZ native bird Alfie Lash, age 7, New Zealand full moon within the raindrop falling from a leaf crickets chirping below the silence of the moon Luke Levi, USA Clouds, the soft white of dogwood petals – a mindful walk Rebecca Lilly, USA an oriole curls around apple buds high noon April sky . . . amid last year’s leaves a jay feather Kristen Lindquist, USA old age home once in a while the sound of footsteps 養老院 偶爾聽到 腳步聲 spike in cases the muezzin’s call more distant 更多的新病例 穆斯林宣禮員的召喚聲 更加遙遠 Chen-ou Liu, Canada making wishes on dandelions potter’s field Gregory Longenecker, USA crescent moon . . . on night sky I search for Venus Margaret Mahony, Australia flower seeds looking for god into myself semi di un fiore cercando un dio dentro me stessa Carmela Marino, Italy old beached hull still buoying up this flower moon Marietta McGregor, Australia End of summer Siesta* with humming cicadas and tereré* *siesta: early, warmest afternoon hours *Tereré: cool, refreshing drink made of yerba mate (ilex paraguayensis) Fin del verano La siesta con cigarras y tereré Lía Miersch, Argentina over the marsh the shadow of a white crane sliding lightly peste mlaştină umbra unui cocor alb alunecând uşor flying at night – a flock of wild geese above the airport zbor de noapte – stol de gâşte sălbatice peste aeroport Vasile Moldovan, Romania dry lightning every summer this game of chance Beverly Acuff Momoi, USA late Spring seeing through the forest one last time fin du printemps un dernier regard à travers la forêt Mike Montreuil, Canada (French translation: Maxianne Berger) hospice garden the forget-me-nots in full bloom sunning herself in my fairy garden neighbor’s cat windy day the cherry blossoms fill sidewalk cracks Joanne Morcom, Canada clumps of clover the symbolic leaf . . . end of pandemic ciuffi di trifoglio la foglia simbolica . . . fine della pandemia Luciana Moretto, Italy rainbow – wondering if the robin sees it Wilda Morris, USA spring trail ride my pony makes some of the decisions summer blooms – the lovely Latin of their names Laurie D. Morrissey, USA visiting civil war trenches summer grass Tim Murphy, Spain/Ireland rainbow I remember again gökkuşağı hatırlıyorum yine Guliz Mutlu, Turkey summer garden, my cat playing with the moon Tom Nalder, New Zealand years from the ashram I pick my way over the rocky beach Peter Newton, USA spring thaw . . . sparrows stuff their nest with sweater yarn Nika, Canada spring morning the gifts of stillness wrapped in song climate change against all odds I plant seedlings morning meadow yet another layer of birdsong Helen Ogden, USA have you blossomed since my last time on this path – star clematis bush? Maeve O’Sullivan, Ireland shining lake – a distant loon calls my other name trailer park – all of the haiku quiet our thomas, USA all our hopes still within reach – daytime moon apple blossoms open one by one the road unknown Scott Packer, Canada moving clouds even now standing so still that tree afar oblaci se kreću i dalje stoji tako mirno ono daleko stablo Dejan Pavlinović, Croatia light breeze – the wave of poppies reddens the sky brezza leggera – l’onda dei papaveri arrossa il cielo dew – the color of dawn in a rose rugiada – il colore dell’ alba in una rosa Maria Teresa Piras, Italy a new dream the sun among the cherry trees suddenly un nuovo sogno il sole tra i ciliegi all’ improvviso the last words of our meeting leaves in the wind le ultime parole del nostro incontro foglie al vento Cinzia Pitingaro, Italy way home – gently hold the puppy miner’s hands дорога домой – бережно держат щенка руки шахтёра Philmore Place, Belarus missing color on painter’s palette – spring green couleur manquante sur la palette du peintre – vert printemps Nicole Pottier, France early summer ducks in pairs, webbed feet opening and closing soaking up late summer sunshine a ceramic frog Patricia Prime, New Zealand almost summer through an open door the scent of earth morning dew fresh paw prints follow the sparrow’s song Carol Raisfeld, USA the moment that indigo turns to black first star two children in raincoats and boots a puddle blowhole at the edge of the sea the silence between Dian Duchin Reed, USA Koels call on cue Spring first night of Summer the deafening drum of cicadas golden wattle in full bloom winter blues end Carol Reynolds, Australia planting flowers . . . on the kitchen table my dark mask discussing graffiti on the sides of train cars spring sunshine 4th of July the darkening sky of the pandemic Edward J. Rielly, USA summer sun setting in my lap Joan Marie Roberts, Canada bright lilacs . . . bird seed on the sill of an open window home from the meadow my son draws us as blue horses wildfire – the horse given water from a cowboy hat Chad Lee Robinson, USA radio says rain – yet the sun is trailing me in every room before its tracks dry the red salamander slides into the water Sydell Rosenberg, USA piercing the fog black eyes of a barred owl turn my way no backstory among the willows a lone elk cow Aron Rothstein, USA backwater twilight a skipping pebble ripples the colours too far for the contagion to catch haze-masked moon summer breeze . . . the fragrant rain of neem flowers Srinivas S, India reading the tao te ching – a breeze through the window turns the next page Dan Salontai, USA Buddha’s birthday a cow licks all over the newborn calf morning tea a little sparrow drops into our talk Srinivasa Rao Sambangi, India a hillside shifts shape spring rain Bona M. Santos, USA sometimes a stick is a snake river trail summer clouds the turtle pond’s surface full of dreams Agnes Eva Savich, USA call for prayer . . . the dandelion seeds drifting panggilan azan . . . biji-biji bunga jombang* berderai-derai *tanaman jombang (Taraxacum officinale) I wash my face moonlight sinking between the wet pebbles kubasuh muka cahaya bulan karam diantara kerikil basah spring rain . . . in an umbrella I shelter from thought shower hujan turun . . . di bawah payung aku berlindung dari guyuran pikiran Ken Sawitri, Indonesia a flycatcher chasing moon-bleached wings summer’s end Julie Schwerin, USA handmade doily wily spider works his way out Ron Scully, USA idle summer day in Buddha’s lap a cat dreams Richa Sharma, India places to go a row of weeping cherries slows me down Adelaide Shaw, USA the crow stretching out her wings morning meditation Ted Sherman, UK Under cherry blossoms walking side by side at the same pace 寄り添へば同じ歩幅に花の下 Yorisoe ba onaji hohaba ni hana no shita Fallen peony petals still spread the scent over the ground 散りてなほ地に香をひろぐ牡丹かな tirite nao chi ni ka o hirogu botan kana Kyoko Shimizu, Japan waving grass of the meadow kite in my bag разлюляна тревата на ливадата хвърчило в чантата ми fragrance of the white sand lilies alone by the sea аромат на бели пясъчни лилии сама край морето Tsanka Shishkova, Bulgaria Calm sea, the greenery of a rock among the foam. Mar en calma, el verdor de una roca entre la espuma. At dawn . . . the first shower of spring. Al amanecer . . . el primer chubasco de primavera. Leticia Sicilia, Spain prognosis – spring colours in the pillbox Neena Singh, India raindrop – a glimpse of what’s to come kap kiše – nagovještaj onoga što dolazi moonlight the hedgehog ignores no trespassing sign mjesečina jež ne mari za znak zabranjen prolaz Tomislav Sjekloća, Montenegro pollen clouds the meadow threaded with butterflies Debbie Strange, Canada The face of spring – the ruined wall full of ivy Chipul primăverii – zidul ruinat plin de iederă Vigils of Easter . . . two doves on the spire listen to the liturgy Deniile . . . doi porumbei pe turlă ascultă liturghia Constantin Stroe, Romania drifting on the spring breeze . . . children’s laughter terbawa bersama semilir angin musim semi . . . tawa anak-anak fireflies . . . all the dreams I’ve ever had kunang-kunang semua mimpi yang pernah kumiliki Agus Maulana Sunjaya, Indonesia windowsill . . . tulips in a pot waiting for spring перваз на прозорец… лалета в саксии чакат пролетта Diana Teneva, Bulgaria in fragments across the melting pond the spring moon Angela Terry, USA white clouds in the sky – ready to bloom the old cherry nori albi pe cer – gata să înflorească cireşul bătrân granny on the porch several cries in the cherry with ripe fruits bunica în verandă – strigăte în cireşul cu fructe coapte clear night – girls making wreaths of yellow bedstraw noapte senină – fete împletind cununi din sânziene Maria Tirenescu, Romania grandpa’s lazybed his potatoes still grow in the corner spring snow lighting a fire to write about the old days cherry blossom an old pen fills with ink Xenia Tran, Scotland leap of a trout spring rain resurrects the river swamp thistle rival hummingbirds battle for nectar bait bucket reaching into the moon for a minnow Kevin Valentine, USA spring cold snap even the moon is snowbound Mary Vlooswyk, Canada lavender in bloom – my garden filling with sky lavanda în floare – grădina mea se umple de cer Steliana Cristina Voicu, Romania spring rain the scent of the forest touching the clouds icicles on the cross melting into my husband’s grave Althea Rowe Watson, USA love done – the skipped stone disappears into fog the Milky Way above fails to bring you closer – my long walk home Michael Dylan Welch, USA crabapple branches blown bare again in March wind Feral bee hive The whole earth humming beneath our feet Allyson Whipple, USA spring sunflecks all those moments of insight Kath Abela Wilson, USA along a lake on a long slow day a lonely swan wzdłuż jeziora w długi wolny dzień samotny łabędź venturing into the impossible oriole’s voice odważ się na niemożliwe głos wilgi the sun forces forsythias to bloom a cold snap słońce zmusza forsycje do kwitnienia ukłucie zimna Ernest Wit, Poland spring rain the capricious pattering a toddler’s first steps Robert Witmer, Japan burying mother in a pandemic the space between Valorie Woerdehoff, USA |
Editorial Staff:
Founder (emeritus): Bruce Ross Editors: Astrid Andreescu Kristen Lindquist Art: Murray D. Ross Archives
November 2024
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